Showing posts with label random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label random. Show all posts

Sep 9, 2011

Short Update

Hello lovelies. I have been a terrible blogger and for that, I apologize. A quick, vague update.

--Good stuff is happening and I may be polling you guys for some market research.

--I got a sweet ass fancy dslr for my bday! (which technically isn't until Wed, but whatever.) So I'm going to actually use it and try to post of my dogs. B/c, let's be honest, they are about the only thing I take pictures of. They are much more adorable than me.

--Going to the beach next week for birthday spectacular! So I won't be around as much (not that I'm around much lately!)

--I promise to get back on the posting bandwagon when I get back. 

Jun 24, 2011

Legally changing my name

I got this as a captcha the other day and loved it. I may make it my official blog alter ego name:

Senisha Tunvegan

Isn't that a great name blog name?

May 27, 2011


*I did not go to boot camp today! I still can't bend my arm much. Now my elbow is a little swollen, like there is some fluid in it. M's been offering to hit it with a large book, but I'm going to pass for now. I'm going to go for a walk very fast and long run later b/c it is actually nice out. Nice in AL is under 88 degrees.

*I'm going to have to go to boot camp earlier now. This displeases me greatly. I am not a morning person.

*New laptop is on its way to me! I am so hard on laptops. My current one is falling apart. The screen part is tearing away from the key pad. It is held together by one screw and tape. And the screen part itself is splitting so you can see into the sides of the monitor. I don't know how I'm doing this to computers. My last laptop did this, too.

*Actually, I think my last laptop was the one stolen when our house got robbed.

*This is a seriously random post. 

May 24, 2011

This will never not be funny to me

 I giggle every time I see it. 

Check back tomorrow for anniversary shmoopiness, and an awesome giveaway! *

*assuming  my second boot camp doesn't kill me first. So it is about 50/50.  It hurts me to lift my arms to type this.  

Apr 25, 2011

Happy Happy

I hope everyone had a good Easter. We had a very low key one-church at night and then Mexican food outside since it was so nice. Weird part-we sat on the patio and there was this random dude singing. He looked like my dad, if my dad was a high school biology teacher. He was signing so earnestly that it was kind of hilarious. It was so random and awkward. There were several kids who were rocking out though.

Good Stuff
I ran on Saturday!! With minimal pain : ) I haven't even tried to run or even walk a long distance in 3 weeks. I thought I would try a very slow, very short run focusing extremely on form. I ran on the treadmill so that I could pace and regulate my steps a little better. I took longer strides and made sure I was lifting more with my knees than my hips. Let me tell you: IT WAS MUCH HARDER. I kind of feel like for me to run longer distances I need to shuffle and expend as little effort as possible with each step so I can run longer. I was running faster--from the longer steps--and lifting my legs more. I was huffing and puffing especially after 5ish weeks off! How does cardiovascular endurance just disappear so quickly? I know I will have to build up the miles super slowly so I don't hurt myself more. My PT also recommended NOT running daily and to take 1 or 2 days off b/t runs. I can do low impact, but no running. I feel pretty good today though my legs are a bit sore from different muscles being used.

I will be eating amazing Chicago pizza this time next weekend!

Happy puppies in the sunshine! 

Did  you have a good Easter weekend? Do any running off of Cadbury eggs and jelly beans?

Apr 12, 2011


Husband is on home call tonight, so he is in the other room occasionally reading CTs.

I'm watching a commercial for Oreos. I yell at him from the living room "You're my Oreo Fudge Cream. But not in a dirty way." We like to call each other whatever random thing we've just heard, especially if it is rude or funny. He called me a coronal reformat earlier today. And then giggled uncontrollably.

Then I hear in response: "Hey Dr. Whoever, this is radiology..."


Apr 1, 2011

I can not overstate how much this pleases me

In the last month, the following google searches led to my blog.

"back brace" wearing

"diet soda" "heart disease" pubmed
diet soda cva
photo diet coke dietitian
--maybe my one legit RD post possibly slightly biased by my intense love of diet coke. I hope it was educational!

and my personal favorite

insane dietitian blog

yes. yes I am. I hope that googler returns and loves my blog. Or maybe there is an actual insane dietitian blog-in which case I'm sad I didn't think of that domain name.

Mar 30, 2011


I came home to no wireless internet and only spotty regular. This annoys me greatly. M comes home tomorrow and then he has to deal with it! I tried the patented Reboot and Unplug Everything method, but it failed.

Can I just say I need to move to a bigger city? I ate eeeeverything this week. I mean anything and everything. I didn't run at all (though I probably wouldn't have since my leg is still bothering me. I guess I get to go back to PT.) I did 30DS twice (and was inordinately proud of myself even though I didn't have weights.) I didn't even think I walked that much...but I still lost a pound. I have no idea how, but I will take it.

ok, posting while I can.

Mar 2, 2011

Hipster Ariel

This sums up my entire life and clothing philosophy

Am I right? Megan? Put the word 'Grandpa' in front of the word 'cardigan' and I will buy it for sure.