Feb 15, 2011

dang. Running outside versus the treadmill...kicked my ass. I felt like a giant spaz. At least it was a beautiful day! Got some vitamin D : ) My D is tragically low. I now supplement it like crazy.

Just realized, uh, yesterday my husband is about to have to go to DC for a month. Boo on that.


Alison said...

Hey Carrie! Your body does indeed sound a little crazy :-) I'm borderline hypermobile (the diagnosis is more or less severe depending on who I talk to!) and have some similar issues with my pelvis. I'm having to do lots of strength work to get me back to running. It's funny though, I tried running on the treddie the other day and it killed my ITB. But running outside was fine.. Bodies, eh!

Rose @ Eat, Drink, and Be Meiri said...

My PT "workout" is essentially "stand up straight, Slouchy McSloucherson." Which is kind of much harder than what my trainer puts me through.