Sep 9, 2011

Short Update

Hello lovelies. I have been a terrible blogger and for that, I apologize. A quick, vague update.

--Good stuff is happening and I may be polling you guys for some market research.

--I got a sweet ass fancy dslr for my bday! (which technically isn't until Wed, but whatever.) So I'm going to actually use it and try to post of my dogs. B/c, let's be honest, they are about the only thing I take pictures of. They are much more adorable than me.

--Going to the beach next week for birthday spectacular! So I won't be around as much (not that I'm around much lately!)

--I promise to get back on the posting bandwagon when I get back. 


Being Healthier said...

I just found your blog and I wanted to say hello!! I've had a crazy busy week too so I understand the mia blogging! :)

I didn't go through the DI for the RD but I did get my MS in nutrition and I'm teaching RD's now... such a strange combination and funny how things work out!

anyway- glad I found your blog! look forward to reading more posts er confessions!

Rose @ Eat, Drink, and Be Meiri said...

Happy birthday!

Unknown said...

whoohoo Happy Birthday! I'm going to the beach this weekend too. Well...I live at the beach, but I'm going to a different beach so it at least feels like vacataion.