Interrupting the Chicago recap extravaganza for something fun!

Starting on Friday I'm going to start a
hopefully regular post of my favorite things. I'm going to be as big as Oprah! Actually, I just love finding new things I never knew I needed and now can't live without. So I'm going to start posting mine and hopefully you guys will also!
this is the extent of my graphic design abilities. don't judge me
And there is going to be a giveaway!! So stay tuned. Get excited people!
I loooove that idea. I am also blown away by your mad graphic design skillz. I have less than you do, however I am WICKED GOOD at putting text on photos, BOOYAH.
Thanks so much for commenting on my blog so I could discover yours! I can already tell that I like you, so I'm excited.
Annnd hopefully that wasn't creepy... :)
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